Joselyn seems to be robbing, impersonating, hazing, and otherwise messing with me more than others. Not only did she get my two most active accounts banned and uploaded 75 of only my work to her main Instagram in order to replace me as an artist with my own art, she follows me under various aliases to keep skimming my content, but also claims my names, including my legal name, as seen on the other Identity Theft post, my motto "Fat asses throw big shade", and, most frightening of all, a self-portrait I drew. If this person wasn't on a different continent, I'd be worried about my physical safety. If not, what would she steal next? My apartment, after burying me in the manure pile at our barn? She has been stealing from and impersonating a lot of people, but it seems like she's trying to usurp all of me or her idea of me, specifically.
A contact found Joselyn's FurAffinity profile. I was flabbergasted to find her using my self-portrait, my likeness, to represent herself. On the top left, you see her profile page and her recolouring of the hair and skin, addition of glasses, replacement of my tattoos, and removal of the Star of David necklace - gotta love her erasure of a Jewish person in order to steal their property, just like the Nazis did in the camps. 17 and already anti-Semitic. Wow.
Here are two pictures of me, taken in 2020 and 2021. You can see the (botched) teal dye job and haircut, and the tattoos as in the drawing above.
Here, she uses my motto as hers as well as the name of her group, both on deviantART. I'm not going to be possessive of a motto, but this is just part of a sinister, creepy, stalker-esque pattern with Joselyn.