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A message to Joselyn

You don't steal only art, but also writings, names, and phrases. I know you don't care about the Mid East conflict, your brand-new anti-Palestinian stance is a direct result of seeing me, an indigenous Jew, upset about October 7. You say you block hateful people, then turn around and tell your victims to "get r*ped" or "get shot in the street".

You must have had a miserable youth to spend it impersonating others, starting with the real Adaru32. Why impersonate people? Just to get away with robbing us? But you don't actually claim to be us, you adopt bits and pieces of my identity, be it ADHD, the "fat asses throw big shade" motto, my name, or political views.

Why are you so hell-bent on dressing yourself in other people's lives in the first place, why can't you just be YOU, practice drawing/writing, and share that authentic journey of yours? Do you have nothing of your own to love and be proud of? You say your mother loves you, yet your legal guardian is your grandma. Megan, the person most likely to be your mother according to my research, only seems to spend quality time with her dogs. Your church community couldn't be more conservative, and I had Jewel know her little angel is stealing gay monster porn in order to sell it and drawing her persona with said monsters. That CAN'T sit well with the Foursquare folks.

If you were really as loved as you say you are, why project yourself into the worlds of other people's artwork, characters, or online personas? You clearly want to get as far away from your own reality as possible. Avoiding your whole real life. As an adult, I can promise you life is only gonna get harder the older you get. More responsibilities, more obligations, more accountability, and no more kid gloves. You turned 18 in April. Nobody has to protect you from the consequences of your own choices anymore. If you already spent your youth running from reality, how are you gonna endure adulthood? It's gonna break you, and you're already so unwell and upset from the fall-out of your current efforts at avoiding life, and that's just a bunch of people posting about you on the internet, not real life conflict. You must be exhausted, Joselyn. You must be so, so exhausted, and it's only gonna get more exhausting going forward.


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